Panoramic Photography Equipments
Creating a panoramic image requires the correct equipment to get a great panoramic photo. Almost all panoramic photos require a tripod to keep the camera in place so that it can rotate around and focus at a fixed point. Tripods also are useful when there is a lot of camera shake. It keeps the camera steady while shooting panoramic photos. To get a great panoramic photo, you would want to get the best leverage as possible for your camera or tripod. To do this, people attach a spirit level to their camera to ensure that the camera and tripod are leveled. This is helpful when leveling out the pan of the camera, either horizontal or vertical. For panoramic images, a wide angle lens camera is greatly recommended and has many advantages, in which you can take fewer pictures and still get a great panoramic image. This also helps you seam together photos more easily than with a regular photo lens. Another helpful piece of equipment is the panoramic head. This camera attachment gets rid of parallax (causes side-by-side pictures to be different in many ways preventing them to be put together in a panoramic image) while panning your camera and taking snap shots for your panoramic photo.